Synchronet Feature and Price Comparison ======================================= Take a close look and you'll see why so many sysops are switching to the Synchronet Multinode Bulletin Board System. For one, message networking is second nature for Synchronet. Not only does Synchronet support FidoNet, QWK, and PostLink (RIME) message networks, but network considerations are integrated into every aspect of the BBS. Synchronet's hierarchical message and file areas are the perfect organizational solution for today's multi- network message and CD-ROM file areas. Synchronet has many built-in features that other packages either don't offer or require an add on, such as multichannel and private key by key chat, offline reader features, and multiuser CD-ROM support. Firt time operators appreciate Synchronet's elegant menu driven configuration, while experienced sysops revel in its wealth of options and flexibility. The list goes on and on. But don't take our word for it, check out the competition first. Feature and Price Comparison for an 8 node BBS on a single 486 PC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synchronet Wildcat! PCBoard MajorBBS TBBS Node license $199 $799 $440 $508 $895 Multitasker $200 $200 $200 Yes Yes 8 port I/O $300 $800 $995 $575 $500 Multinode chat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Multichannel chat Yes Extra No Yes Yes Private key by key chat Yes No No Yes Yes Offline reader support Yes Yes Extra $199 $ 99 QWK networking Yes Yes Extra No Yes FidoNet import/export Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Send/receive NetMail Yes Yes No No Yes PostLink (RIME) support Yes Extra Yes Extra No RIPscrip GUI support Yes No No Extra No Novell/DOS LAN support Yes Yes Yes Yes No 976/900 billing support Yes No No Extra Extra Real-time node activity Yes No No Yes Yes Enhanced CD-ROM support Yes Yes Yes Extra Extra Multiuser SDK Yes No Extra Extra Extra Incoming FAX support Yes No No No No Chat between doors Yes No No Yes No Bidirectional file transfer Yes Yes Yes No No Multiple user command sets Yes No No No No Supports DOS doors 10 types 1 type 3 types No No Hierarchical msgs and file Yes No No No No External tranfser protocols Yes Yes Yes No No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Price $699 $1799 $1635 $1282 $1494 (Prices do not include CPU or modems. Features and prices from vendor supplied information 2/93, are subject to change without notification. Wildcat!, PCBoard, MajorBBS, TBBS, QWK, FidoNet, PostLink, RIME, RIPscrip, Novell, and DOS are trademarks of their respective companies. Commercial or Shareware Toss/Scan utilities required for some message network technologies.) Why doesn't Synchronet have a special "multiport" version? Because Synchronet was designed from the ground up as a high-speed multinode BBS capable of running up to 10 nodes on a single 486. Its advanced interrupt driven design combined with DESQview optimizations maximize CPU utilization, allowing Synchronet to out perform other systems running special "multiport" versions on expensive coprocessed I/O cards. For performance, features, and value, nobody beats Synchronet. Features ======== * Designed from the ground up as a reliable and feature rich multinode BBS * Up to 250 simultaneous nodes with multinode chat and online program support * RIPscrip graphical user interface and mouse support! * Enhanced DESQview operation mode * Run up to 10 high-speed full through-put nodes on a single 486 PC * Runs under DOS 3.0 or higher on any 80x86 compatible computer with 450k free RAM - BBS can shrink to 16k to execute external programs * Pay BBS features: Time credits, user expiration dates, credits, and 900/976 billing * Interrupt driven COM I/O for the fastest through-put possible - even with multiple nodes per CPU via DOS multitasker * Any COM port configuration supported (one IRQ line per COM port) * Blazing fast even on a 10mhz XT * Familiar hotkey user interface with '?' activated menus at every prompt * The most advanced BBS security ever: Caller ID support with optional trash-can file Impenetrable to remote hackers 100 security levels with 52 sysop configurable flags per user Sysop can allow or disallow users to choose their own passwords Sysop can force periodic password changes (uniqueness is also forced) * QWK message off-line reader and networking support built-in Off-line file requests Off-line new message scan configuration and pointer adjustment Sent FidoNet NetMail from QWK REP packet * Up to 500 message groups, up to 20,000 total message sub-boards with up to 2,000 messages per sub-board. * Up to 500 file libraries, up to 20,000 total file directories with up to 2,000 files per directory. * Extensive File Transfer Section: Unlimited external transfer protocols with optional DSZLOG support Batch uploads, downloads, and bidirectional file transfers Transfer credit system is completely configurable File viewing, extraction, and partial downloading of archives File descriptions can contain content rating and multidisk numberings Personal user to user(s) file transfers Optional batch download file flagging for user convenience Internal support for offline directories Multiple sysop file removal/move/edit search criteria Directories can be sorted by filename or date, ascending or descending Complete CD-ROM (single and multidisk changer) support * Sysop inter-node control (remote or local): Interrupting - hang-up on any node Locking - only sysops can logon a locked node till lock is removed Rerunning - reexecutes BBS, reinitializing configuration, etc. Downing - shutdown a node from another remote node or local console * Inter-node message services: Current node status - user online, action, connect rate, and more User activity - credited downloads, mail activity, logons, and logoffs Users can list active nodes and send private messages from any prompt (even between external programs and the BBS) Multichannel multinode chat with optional channel password protection Private real-time node to node character by character chat with split screen support * 48 Local macros and sysop function hotkeys * Real-time user database: Amazingly complete user edit function Remote changes to online-user data are immediately effective Disk image is always current for enhanced system fault tolerance Linked free-form data file for every user International address and phone number support * Online, sysop configurable, chatting artificial intelligence engine * Up to 500 online external programs: Multiuser or single user programs Programs that use DOS I/O (don't use COM port directly) supported 12 door file formats supported for an incredible level of compatibility including: DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, USERS.SYS, CHAIN.TXT, DORINFO#.DEF, EXITINFO.BBS, SFDOORS.DAT, CALLINFO.BBS, DOORFILE.SR, and UTIDOOR.TXT Supports native WWIV color code expansion Free Software Development Kit (SDK) avaiable for program development Comes with multiplayer Synchronet Blackjack game FREE! No batch file editing/programming necessary! * Multiple Events: Logon and logoff events New user events Upload events (integrity testing, adding of comments, virii scan, etc.) Node and system daily events Timed event that supports forced exclusive execution * The most configurable BBS available today: Powerful object oriented menu driven configuration program All menus, text, and colors are sysop configurable without source code New User Questionaire is available and customizable Source code available for nearly unlimited customization (extra cost) All new user questions can be disabled individually * Alternate and custom command sets: Sysop can configure alternate command and menu sets Users select preferred command set or customize their own * Extensive networking capabilities: Internal QWK network hub and node support with file transfer ability FidoNet EchoMail and NetMail support Send/Receive File Requests from within Synchronet UTI drivers for PostLink Networks (RIME, ILink, etc) Sub-boards can force real names Allow/disallow/force private posts and anonymous posts per sub-board Supports color codes for WWIV, PCBoard, Wildcat, and Celerity Support for multiple networks of the same or different network technologies with different addresses and tag/origin lines System Requirements: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Single Node =========== XT, 286, or higher DOS 3.0 or later IBM PC compatible with hard disk (4MB free) and 450k free DOS memory. Hayes compatible modem (not required for local access) Multinode ========= LAN: XT, 286, or higher DOS 3.0 or higher 450 RAM free Hayes compatible modem DOS Multitasker: 386 or 486 PC (approx 2 Power Meter Mips per node) 1MB RAM per node DESQview, Windows 3.x, or OS/2 2.x Hard disk w/disk cache (not required on LAN) Interrupt driven I/O ports (1 IRQ and I/O address per) Hayes compatible modems Undeniable Value ======================== 2 Node License $ 99 4 Node License $ 149 16 Node License $ 199 250 Node License $ 399 Multiuser SDK FREE ======================== Node license upgrades are available for the difference plus %10. Minor revision upgrades can be downloaded free of charge. Digital Dynamics PO Box 501 Yorba Linda, CA 92686 (714) 529-6328 voice (714) 529-9721 FAX Download Free demo version: (714) 529-9525 2400bps (714) 529-5313 9600+bps V.32 (714) 529-9721 9600+bps ZyXEL (714) 529-9547 9600+bps HST